Tuesday, June 8, 2010

White Sulfer Springs

I realized today that the route we're walking is a little different than the one listed on the Crossroads website (crossroadswalk.org). The site is accurate through Washington until Missoula, MT. A little past Missoula, where we were walking at the end of last week, we switched over to highway 12. We'll stay on 12 until we hit 87- which I'm assuming we'll take down into Billings (where we'll stay next weekend). After Billings we'll get on 212 and stay on that until South Dakota. I'm not sure what we'll do after that but I'll keep you posted!!
I much prefer walking on highways to the interstate (I think this is the general consensus) for a few reasons. For one, I like walking through towns and seeing their little shops and restaurants and houses and things of the sort. It's definitely more fun during the day to walk through these places, but at night it helps the miles seem a little shorter and the time seem to pass a little faster. Plus, it's nice to see the different 'personalities' of the places we walk through. I also like that the support vehicle has more flexibility in reaching the walkers if there is a problem, i.e. it starts raining or someone really needs a jacket or water. Another big one is bathroom accessibility!! All in all it's just nice to get off the interstate for at least a little while :-)
Well I'm on night shift again this week so I have to wrap it up. We're going to pray evening prayer now and then head out to where day shift left off. We're going to try and get a lot of miles in tonight because we have tomorrow off! Curt says we're doing really well so he's giving us a day (and a night!) of some good old R&R.
We're parked at a motel for the night and inside are 2 hot spring pools! My group went in for a little while before dinner tonight...it was reeeally nice : ) : ) The sulfer in the water made the air around the pools reek of rotten eggs...but it was worth going in! The first pool was nice and warm and that's where we lounged for a while. The second pool was a little smaller but much hotter- it must have been at least 105 degrees! It felt really nice to sit in there...just for a minute though! I think tomorrow we'll go back in the springs for a little while and then try and find something else to do for fun. We were hoping a couple weeks ago to get far enough ahead to go to Yellow Stone Park for the weekend, but that plan fell through and Brad and I came up with the brilliant idea of going to a zoo! Maybe we'll find one close enough to drive to tomorrow : ) (I doubt it though...I think the closest is Zoo Montana in Billings).
OK I have to get going! We walked through Helena last night and day shift walked through Townsend today, so we're picking up a little outside of there tonight. Keep us in your prayers! Love yas!

1 comment:

  1. Mary Grace - it's so inspiring to read about your adventures. I'm so proud of you. Know of my prayers for you and the team.
    "May the road rise up to meet you.
    May the wind be always at your back.
    May the sun shine warmly upon your face.
    And the rain fall softly upon your fields.
    And until we meet again,
    May God hold you in the palm of His hand."
    And may Almighty God Bless you, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

    (Yes, I just gave you a blessing via the internet!).

    With Mary,
    In Christ
    Fr. Jon
